
Vehicle coating business



● 预涂底漆系列

● 中间涂层系列

● 各色丙烯酸面漆系列

● 各色聚氨酯面漆系列

● 各色醇酸面漆系列

● 玻璃鳞片耐磨系列

● 储存食品类无毒系列

● 油罐运输耐油防静电系列

● 特种车辆漆

● 铁路车辆漆

ZhongBang Vehicle coatings were mainly used in the freight train & goods container of Chinese Ministry of Railway. We always co-operate with the manufacture of the railway vehicle, and our goods also well-sold and well received in Asian countries and Australian.

Leading Products:

● Shop primer coatings

● Interim coat coatings

● Acrylic cover paints 

● Polyamide resin cover paints 

● Alkyd cover paints 

● Glass scale anti-abrasion coatings 

● The food storage  innocuity caoatings

● Oil resistance & anti-static electricty coatings

● Special vehicle paint

● Railway vehicle paint

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